If you’re new to OrbisPlanis, then I’ll explain about the
newsfeed crawler gadget from Google up there near the top of the blog. Blogger
has many, many “gadgets” as they call them, which are nothing more than apps--little
snippets of code—that you insert in your blog. They add information or search
for the latest information or keep count of something or whatever.
I added my “art”newsfeed to the blog a couple of years ago.
It’s not an art app at all; rather you can customize whatever newsfeed topic
you like. For instance you could choose soccer/futbol or opera or finance or just
about anything. OrbisPlanis being about art and painting, I selected search terms
that would look for art news, such as art, artwork, paintings, art museums,
Anyway, it’s fun, I think, to sit back and see what comes up
on any day. For example, here’s a smattering of art news from around the
world on October 13, 2011:
Paris Art Theft Says
he Threw Paintings in Garbage Bin, from the Los Angeles Times - http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-france-art-garbage-20111010,0,7870046.story
Art-at-a-Glance: Art’s Most Powerful People, from the BBC
News - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15286754
Weiwei Tops Annual Power 100 Art List as Hirst, Koons Slide, from Bloomberg Businessweek
- http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-10-12/ai-weiwei-tops-annual-power-100-art-list-as-hirst-koons-slide.html
Gustav Klimt: 150th Anniversary
Oil Painting Museum on Klimtmuseum.com by ABC Art Gallery, from the San
Francisco Chronicle - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/10/13/prweb8872340.DTL
And finally.
What we’ve all been waiting for,
from Entertainment Weekly, 'Work of Art: The Next Great Artist' recap:
Enter the Sucklord - http://watching-tv.ew.com/2011/10/12/work-of-art-bravo-sucklord/
I hope you visit OrbisPlanis often to enjoy my art newsfeed gadget.
Until next blog,
Happy Painting!
thanks for your info :)