Today’s Image,
a Work in Progress
In the Studio
After thinking it over, I decided to work on another oil pastel. I enjoyed the earlier one I did and liked the way it turned out. It’s another lighthouse. Yesterday I sketched out the main elements on the paper (24 x 30 in/ 61 x 76 cm) and began to work with several of the warm grey pastels for the shaded side and a dark navy blue for the stripes on the lighthouse itself. I’ll let you know how it’s coming along.
Art News
Several weeks back I added a Google gadget that scrolls news stories from subjects you select. I like it because it’s up to date with current art news. I click on the sites occasionally to read what’s going on in the world, artwise, that is. I decided to spend a little time to see what is making news this week.Very interesting, I think you’ll agree (and I don’t need to add any editorial comments). Enjoy.
- From Associated Press: LONDON (AP) — Mick Jagger's pout is officially fit for a museum.
London's Victoria and Albert Museum announced Tuesday that it bought the original artwork for The Rolling Stones' famous "lips" logo, inspired by the singer's mouth.
The museum said it bought the work at an auction in the United States for $92,500.
The lips-and-tongue logo was designed by London art student John Pasche in 1970, and first used on the band's "Sticky Fingers" album the next year. - From Expressindia.com: MUMBAI, September 01 After fake Subodh Gupta paintings seized from city gallery, police say they’re trying to trace the chain. “If the artist is alive one should contact them immediately,” suggests Dinesh Vazirani whose online portal Saffron Art is currently hosting an auction with one of Gupta’s works up for sale. “The danger with faking contemporaries lies in the fact that all the artists are still alive and can easily contest the counterfeit art,” he concludes.
- From lcsun-news.com: LAS CRUCES, New Mexico — A $19 million bond question to build a new arts complex at New Mexico State University will appear on the Nov. 4 general election ballot."If you're training to become a chemist, you go into the chemistry lab. If you're training to become an artist, then your lab is a public setting, and we're absolutely dependent upon those performance venues in order to prepare our students for their degrees."
- From islandweekly.net: SAN JUAN ISLAND, Washington-A floating gallery from the late 1800s seen in “Maritime Memories of Puget Sound,” inspired Fromm to have his own “Gallery.” In November 2002, he obtained the hulls for a 43-foot catamaran and spent 22 months designing his boat. “I really appreciate people who come aboard to look at my work, whether they buy anything or not,” said Fromm. “The opportunity to share my work and exchange stories is the highlight of my day.” His moveable “home-office” can be seen throughout the San Juan Islands, at art festivals and wooden boat rendezvous from the spring to fall or moored in the Port of Friday Harbor during the winter.
- From paradisepost.com: PARADISE, California- Due to the Humboldt Fire, this summer the group of artists expanded their realm to include a view of the buttes from Durham-Pentz highway. Stefanetti said despite the burned landscape, the muted colors of black and gold, and the touch of green from the new growth, in combination with the gray sky created beautiful paintings. Murnieks elegantly captured the burnt landscape in her acrylic three-panel painting, entitled "Summer 2008." "Dori's (Murnieks) acrylic painting really captured the smoky sky," Stefanetti said
- From daily-chronicle.com: DEKALB, Illinois – Diana Arntzen says she was "a museum kid” as a child, often accompanying her father on his many museum visits."My father was an artist, and we would travel the entire summer, and we would look at every museum we passed by, whether it was the corn museum somewhere or a beautiful art museum or a history museum," Arntzen said. "The last vacation we took together, I think we saw 12 museums in seven days. That was just the way I was brought up."
- From marinij.com: SAUSALITO, California - A few things about the Sausalito Art Festival have changed since the first time artist Kathleen Lipinski took part in 1981.
"Tyson Underwood was in charge at the time, and he had a flair for the silly," said the San Anselmo artist, who brought her collection of oil-on-canvas Marin landscapes to the 56th annual festival on Saturday. "He had chocolate replicas made of the elephants in downtown Sausalito, and they were carried in by Sumo wrestlers.
"The show has a different flavor to it now," Lipinski said.
You can’t write this stuff.
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