Wednesday, January 2

Start the New Year with a Visit to Your Local Art Museum

A Walk in the Art Museum
Acrylic on Canvas
copyright 2011
What better way for artists and painters to start the new year than with a visit to their local art museums? None that I can think of.

It will help you re-charge your creative juices and, if nothing else, keep you warm and dry on a dreary winter's day (in the northern hemisphere).

January is a great time to get re-acquainted with your local art museum. Maybe you're already an active member and volunteer, but if you're like most, you only visit ocasionally when there's a big brand-name exhibit or worse, not at all.

However, your local curator probably wants you to enjoy all the exhibits your museum has to offer, I'm sure of that. If it's been a while since your last visit, you probably will be pleasantly surprised.

I'm a member of our local MFAH, and even though I receive updates and literature on current and upcoming exhibits and lectures ("Gallery Talks"), I don't go as often as I should to take full advantage of all there is to see, do, and learn.

So, one resolution for 2013--visit the art museum more often, especially in January...

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