Today’s Image
In the Studio
I didn’t work on my last post-card size canvas, but decided to save it for next week, so it’s not today’s image. There are days in the studio that I like to call housekeeping days, and yesterday was one of those days. I didn’t do any actual artwork. What I did do was to apply varnish to several acrylic paintings that were finished and in line for varnishing. I like to do it assembly-line style where I do several at a time in one go. Since you have to set up for it with the various varnishes and brushes, I only do it about once every two weeks or so. I found a brand I really like--J.W. etc.'s Right-Step. I like it because it is water base, which makes it very easy to clean up brushes. It goes on smoothly and comes in gloss, satin, and matt, and is also economical.
Anyway, no artwork done, but I still have a feeling of accomplishment.
Today I will get back to deciding on my next project , and I hope to get started on it. Since I like every blog to have a Today’s Image, I looked in my ‘vault’ of digitized images and found the one above to use today. It’s done in pastels on paper. The original is 8.5 x 11in/22 x 28 cm. I did it in 2007 and call it Golden Apples.
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